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Short Term And Long Term Disability Insurance Premium Calculations

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Short Term Disability

To calculate your expected monthly premium, use the following table:

Annual Salary divided by 12
Will be deducted one-half on the 7th and one-half on 22nd of each month

Long Term Disability

To calculate your monthly LTD insurance premium, choose the box below that corresponds with the University-funded retirement plan in which you are enrolled1. If you are a practicing physician, use the box at the bottom. Contact the Benefits Department at (801) 581-7447 if you are unsure which box applied to you.

Long Term Disability - 401(a) Defined Contribution Retirement Plan and Utah Retirement Systems Tier II Plans (Participation began 7/1/2011 or after)

To calculate your expected monthly premium, use the following table:

Annual Salary divided by 12
Subtract University Contribution
will be deducted one-half on 7th and one-half on 22nd of each month

Long Term Disability – Utah Retirement Systems Tier I (Participation with URS began prior to 7/1/2011)

To calculate your expected monthly premium, use the following table:

Annual Salary divided by 12
Subtract University Contribution
will be deducted one-half on 7th and one-half on 22nd of each month

Long Term Disability – Practicing Medical Providers

To calculate your expected monthly premium, use the following table:

Annual Salary divided by 12
will be deducted one-half on 7th and one-half on 22nd of each month(Actual premium will be calculated on compensation received each pay period)

If you are not eligible for University-funded retirement, use the URS Tier I calculation and rate.