The University of Utah fully complies with the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 ("FMLA"). See the Department of Labor's FMLA Notice and Policy 5-200: Leaves of Absence (Health-Related). For additional information, review the University's Frequently Asked Questions or contact your HR Absence Management Team. Para obtener información y formularios en español, haga clic aquí.
Highlights of FMLA:
- To be eligible for FMLA leave, you must have been employed by the University for at least one year AND have worked 1,250 hours during the previous 12 consecutive months.
- If you are eligible, you may take up to 12 work weeks of leave during a rolling calendar year for the following:
- The birth of your child or placement of a child with you for adoption or foster care;
- Your own Serious Health Condition (as defined by the FMLA);
- To care for your spouse, child, or parent with a Serious Health Condition.
- Active Duty Leave for a "qualifying exigency" tied to active duty or notice of impending active duty of your spouse, child, or parent; or
- Service member Family Leave (up to 26 total weeks) to care for your spouse, child, parent, or other relative (if you are the Next of Kin) who is receiving treatment for or recovering from a serious injury or illness incurred in the line of active military duty.
- You are required to give at least 30 days notice if your need for leave is foreseeable. If your need for leave is not foreseeable, you must give notice as soon as possible and practicable and you must comply with your department’s usual and customary notice and procedural requirements for requesting leave.
- Medical certification of the Serious Health Condition and your need for leave will be required.
- FMLA leave is unpaid unless you use accrued vacation or sick leave. University policy requires that you use accrued sick and vacation leave time during FMLA leave; however, you may retain up to 10 days of vacation with a written request.
- While you are off work on an approved FMLA leave, your job is protected and you may retain health care coverage at employee rates.
- If you are able to return at or prior to the end of your approved FMLA leave, you will be returned to the same or an equivalent job with equivalent pay, benefits, and terms and conditions of employment.
Leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993:
- If you need to take leave for a reason that may qualify for protection under the FMLA, please complete the Leave eForm request, the certification of healthcare provider, and theAuthorization for Release of Information (optional).This form may be required if additional information is needed from your medical provider to make a decision on your leave. Please submit all required electronic and paper forms to the HR Absence Management Team as soon as possible. For more information on the Leave eForm, please see the Leave eForm Information web page.
- Required Forms for Each Type of FMLA Leave: To apply for leave under the FMLA, please complete each of the required forms for the type of leave you will be taking. Para obtener información y formularios en español, haga clic aquí.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact the HR Absence Management Team. If you have questions about the Leave eForm, please view the Leave eForm Information website.
Hospital employees should contact the Hospital HR Office with questions about their leave requests or to submit their leave requests.
Paid Parental Leave:
Paid parental leave is available for eligible employees who are adding a new child to their family. For information on eligibility rules and how to apply, see the Parental Leave for Birth or Adoption web page.
Medical Leave of Absence:
Under certain circumstances, the University may permit an employee who has exhausted all of his/her available FMLA leave or an employee who is not eligible for FMLA leave, to take a medical leave of absence for the employee’s own serious health condition.
A medical leave of absence is not available for employees holding positions that are temporary in nature.
- Medical Leaves of Absence may be granted for an estimated or definite period of time by the cognizant Vice President upon recommendation of the responsible officer(s) and the Human Resources Department.
- During a Medical Leave of Absence, the employee is able to maintain health care coverage and certain other University benefits for a limited period of time.
- To be eligible for a Medical Leave of Absence, the employee must meet the disability definition of the University’s Long Term Disability Plan: “completely unable due to sickness, bodily injury, or pregnancy to perform the material and substantial duties of the employee’s normal occupation and not performing any other occupation”.
- Employees must use all accrued leave time during a medical leave of absence. While the employee is using accruals, department contributions toward health coverage will continue.
- A medical leave of absence for a disabled employee may be available for up to 30 months following the original date of disability (including any FMLA leave time).
- The University has no obligation to reinstate or make any effort to reinstate an employee in any employment position following a medical leave of absence.
Currently, employees cannot request a Medical Leave of Absence using the Leave eForm. To request a Medical Leave of Absence, contact the Absence Management Team.