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Home Health Care Eligibility Change Form

Health Care Eligibility Change Form

Health Care Plan Eligibility Form

Use this form only if your child who is over the age of 26 is (a) married, (b) no longer a full-time student, or (c) no longer qualifies as a disabled individual under the health plan.

Other health plan changes should be made through UBenefits at

Child's Name
Child's Name
Reason Child No Longer Qualifies
I hereby request that the University change my enrollment in the Employee Health Care Plan, hereinafter known as the Plan, as noted hereon, subject to prevailing rules of the Plan. I hereby acknowledge and certify the following: (please check each box to acknowledge)
Any person who knowingly files an enrollment form containing any misrepresentation or any false, incomplete, or misleading information may be subject to discipline up to and including termination of employment and cancellation of coverage, and may be guilty of a criminal act punishable under law and subject to civil penalties.